var schedule = { initialize: function(){ schedule.activities.set(); }, options: { schedule: '#schedule', breaks: [5,5,10,20,10,20,10,5,5], // breaks duration s_breaks: [475,525, 575, 630, 695, 750, 815, 870, 920], // the time after which the break begins lesson_time: 60, // lesson duration (minutes) lessons: 8, // number of lessons per week start: function(){ // start at 7.10 return schedule.general.toMin(7,10) }, end: function(){ // start at 16.10 return schedule.general.toMin(16,10) }, h_width: $('.s-hour-row').width(), // get a width of hour div minToPx: function(){ // divide the box width by the duration of one lesson return schedule.options.h_width / schedule.options.lesson_time; }, }, general: { hoursRegEx: function(hours){ var regex = /([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{1,2})/; if(regex.test(hours)){ return true; }else{ return false; } }, toMin: function(hours, minutes, string){ // change time format (10,45) to minutes (645) if(!string){ return (hours * 60) + minutes; } if(string.length>0){ // "7.10" var h = parseInt(string.split('.')[0]), m = parseInt(string.split('.')[1]); return schedule.general.toMin(h, m); } }, getPosition: function(start, duration, end){ var translateX = (start - schedule.options.start()) * schedule.options.minToPx(), width = duration * schedule.options.minToPx(), breaks = schedule.options.breaks, s_breaks = schedule.options.s_breaks; $.each(breaks, function(index, item) { if( start < s_breaks[index] && duration > item && end > (s_breaks[index]+item) ){ width -= item * schedule.options.minToPx(); } if( start > s_breaks[index] && duration > item && end > (s_breaks[index]+item) ){ translateX -= item * schedule.options.minToPx(); } }); return [translateX, width]; } }, activities: { find: function(week, hours, id){ }, delete: function(week, hours){ /* week: 0-4 << remove all activities from a day hours: "7.10-16.10" << remove all activities from a choosed hours */ function finalize(message){ if(confirm(message)){ return true; } } if(week && !hours){ if(finalize("Do you want to delete all activities on the selected day?")){ $('.s-activities .s-act-row:eq('+ week +')').empty(); } } if(!week && !hours){ console.log('Error. You have to add variables like a week (0-4) or hours ("9.10-10.45")!') } // if day is not defined and hours has got a correct form if(!week && schedule.general.hoursRegEx(hours)){ console.log('Week not defined and hours are defined!'); $(schedule.options.schedule + ' .s-act-tab').each(function(i,v){ var t = $(this), // get current tab name = t.children('.s-act-name').text(), // get tab name h = t.attr('data-hours').split('-'), // get tab hours s = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, h[0]), // get tab start time (min) e = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, h[1]), // get tab end time (min) uh = hours.split('-'), // user choosed time us = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, uh[0]), // user choosed start time (min) ue = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, uh[1]); // user choosed end time (min) if(us<=s && ue>=e){ $(this).remove(); } }) } if(week && hours){ // if week and hours is defined console.log('Week is defined and hours are defined too!'); $('#schedule .s-act-row:eq('+ week +') .s-act-tab').each(function(i,v){ var t = $(this), // get current tab name = t.children('.s-act-name').text(), // get tab name h = t.attr('data-hours').split('-'), // get tab hours s = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, h[0]), // get tab start time (min) e = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, h[1]), // get tab end time (min) uh = hours.split('-'), // user choosed time us = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, uh[0]), // user choosed start time (min) ue = schedule.general.toMin(0,0, uh[1]); // user choosed end time (min) if(us<=s && ue>=e){ $(this).remove(); } }) }; }, add: function(week, lesson, hours, classroom, group, teacher, color){ /* EXAMPLES --> week: 0-4, lesson: "Math", hours: "9.45-12.50", classroom: 145, group: "A", teacher: "A. Badurski", color: "orange" */ var tab = "
"+ lesson +"
"+ teacher +"
"+ classroom +"
"+ group +"
"; $('.s-activities .s-act-row:eq('+ week +')').append(tab); schedule.activities.set(); }, set: function(){ $(schedule.options.schedule + ' .s-act-tab').each(function(i){ var hours = $(this).attr('data-hours').split("-"), start = /* HOURS */ parseInt(hours[0].split(".")[0]*60) + /* MINUTES */ parseInt(hours[0].split(".")[1]), end = /* HOURS */ parseInt(hours[1].split(".")[0]*60) + /* MINUTES */ parseInt(hours[1].split(".")[1]), duration = end - start, translateX = schedule.general.getPosition(start,duration,end)[0], width = schedule.general.getPosition(start,duration,end)[1]; $(this) .attr({"data-start": start, "data-end": end}) .css({"transform": "translateX("+translateX+"px)", "width": width+"px"}); }); } } } schedule.initialize();